Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2025
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 11th February 2025
Mike Thomas (MT), Howard Cain (HC), Sue Neve (SN), Charlie Neve (CN), Paul Green (PG), Stacey Hughes (SH), Sam Hughes (SaH), Stephen Tebbit (ST), Morag Tebbit
(MoT), Malcolm Moore (MM), Kath Bradley (KB).
John Whiteley (JW), Linda Kellie (LK), Dawn Glynn (DG), Pete Glynn (PG).
Matters arising from the January meeting 2025
The January minutes were proposed by CN and seconded by ST, the minutes were signed off by the chairman, MT.
HC has contacted Travis Perkins regarding grit for the grit bit by the pub. Travis Perkins only deliver in large quantities. CN will approach the council to
see if they will refill it when they refill the bin at the entrance to the park.
MoT asked if the church could attach the church sign to the mirror at the entrance to the village. MT said he was going to put a slow sign on the post and
maybe they could attach the church sign to it. MT will speak to the new owner of Owd Barn Service Station as this is situated on his land.
CN said all the reported potholes at the entrance to the village had been filled and the gate in the field had been repaired.
Chairman's Report
MT expressed his sadness at the death of Krystyna Pilkington, the Shevington Parish Council clerk. He also praised the local community for not using the
WhatsApp group to speculate regarding the recent fire at the marina.
Treasurer's Report
Linda said the £125 that Forever Manchester charity had given the CVRA towards the Christmas party, had been returned by the credit union. She was told the
credit union did not accept payments from charities. Linda is going to look at changing the bank used by the CVRA.
Vice Chairman's Report
Nothing to report.
Treasurer's Report
Nothing to report
Secretary's Report
Nothing to report
SPC Report
CN reported that until the Shevington Parish Council appoint a new Clerk there will only be one meeting a month. It was decided at the last parish council
meeting that the Wigan Council Tax Precept will raise by 5% for the coming year. CN reported the lack of response to the repair of the large pothole at the
far end of the village. Councillor Paul Collins will escalate this with the council.
Appointment of Shevington Parish Council’s Crooke (SPC) Co-opted member to the CVRA Committee.
A discussion was had to raise the SPC’s Crooke Co-opted member to a full Committee member. A vote was made to amend the constitution. This was proposed by PG
and seconded by MoT. The constitution will now reflect there will be 5 CVRA Committee members and for a meeting to be quorate there must be a minimum of two
Committee members and three residents. MT, HC, MoT and SaH signed to amend the constitution. An electronic copy of the amended constitution will be emailed
to PG to update the website.
The chairman proposed CN, the CVRA co-opted member, to be raised to a full CVRA Committee member as the Deputy Vice Chairman, this was seconded by PG. HC
asked for a show of hands and all in attendance agreed.
Acquisition of movable flood defence barriers.
MT has approached a company called Boxwall, regarding their flood defences. He explained that we were a small village, and they have agreed we could purchase
the barriers at a reduced rate. Jigsaw has been approached to see if they will donate to the defences. CN applied to SPC and they have given £250, an
application is also being made to Wigan Council Brighter Borough for £250. SaH suggested approaching the nursery also.
ST asked where the barriers would be placed, MT said the main aim was to stop the water going down the manhole and backing up the sewage system. Some barriers
may be used in the field, no barriers would be put across the road stopping traffic.
MT proposed to commit £250 of CVRA funds seconded by KB, all in attendance agreed.
Volunteer enquiry- Wigan council.
HC was made aware of a gentleman who wants to help at a registered charity in his spare time. CN suggested the CRT as they have volunteers working in this
area weekly. CN will pass on the details to HC.
St Anns school is looking for help to establish a forest school area and wondered if the CVRA could help. Although people would be happy to help, more
information would be needed, a representative from St Anns will be invited to attend the next CVRA meeting.
MM asked about the Crooke community allotment. MT said village residents are free to use parts of the allotment.
HC told the meeting that a planning application has been made to split number 53 Crooke Road into two dwellings, the planning number is A/24/098351/FULL and
any objections need to be made online by 27th February 2025.
PG raised the overgrown hedges by the marina. CN will approach Wigan Council.
The meeting closed at 20.05.pm
The meeting closed at 2015. The next meeting will be Tuesday 11th March 2025
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for February 2025.